S/S 2024

The F/W 2023-24 collection is dedicated to PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY and SOCIOLOGY. The themes that characterize the various drawings and their coordinates are themes that, in some way, tell us about these subjects. As with all AB IMIS collections, the graphic and modeling references may be more or less evident or implied. To help you connect our garments with the themes that inspired them, here is a brief summary:

The Whirling Dervishes

Whirling dervishes are those who practice a physically active form of meditation that originated among some Islamic Sufi brotherhoods and is still practiced by dervishes of the Mevlevi brotherhood and other orders such as the Rifa'i-Marufi.

Positive thinking

Positive thinking is a school of thought that advocates the benefit of aligning the mind with a state of positivity, isolating negative thought patterns and creating new, more optimistic ones.

Our graphics represent the ability to overcome negativity (of newspaper news) and is symbolized by the "+" sign, the positive in the symbolism of electrical circuits.

Frida Kahlo (1097 - 10954)

Sigmund Freud ( 18561939 ), Austrian neurologist , psychoanalyst and philosopher , founder of psychoanalysis , the oldest of the currents of dynamic psychology .

On the drawing the quote: "There are two ways to be happy in this life, one is to become the idiot and the other is to be." (English language)

Aboriginal cults

Australian Aboriginal cults , also known as Dreamtime stories represent Aboriginal oral literature , are stories traditionally told by Aboriginal peoples rich in symbols and references to the relationships between the spirit and geometric shapes.

The inability to communicate

Even in a civilization based on connections and in a world where we live immersed in the multitude, we very often perceive the difficulty in communicating something deeper and more personal than appearance.

The superstition

A form of superstition that identifies in some objects, words or actions an ability to change the future.

In this drawing, superstition is identified by the BLACK CAT.

The Philosophers

Drawing dedicated to some of the most representative figures: DESCRATES, PASCAL, HOBBES, MARX, SCHOPENHAUER, KANT, NIETZSCHE.


With the word love we can mean a variety of feelings ranging from affection to the expression of physical attraction. Love is also a virtue that represents kindness and compassion .

Vasilij Kandinskij (1866-1944)

Giordano Bruno was a philosopher , writer and Dominican friar who lived in the 16th century . His philosophical thought belongs to the current of Renaissance naturalism . Bruno was condemned and burned at the stake in Rome on 17 February 1600.

The drawing bears his seal and some autographed lines which read: "Non est enim philosophus nisi qui fingit et pingit".


Money as a symbol of our "civilized" way of life. Symbol of status, the culmination of human aspirations.

The drawing represents money in the context of finance and markets with their fluctuations in wealth.